Successful ECMs Streamline with a Continuous Improvement Process

May 30, 2020

Remember the proverb “waste not, want not?” It means if you use a resource carefully and without extravagance, you will never be in need. Now, look at that philosophy from an electronic contract manufacturing standpoint. Could you trim some fat from your bottom line? There is nothing quite as frustrating as wasting time, money, and […]

Obsolete Parts is the Great Vulnerability in an Electronic Manufacturing Supply Chain

May 13, 2020

Counterfeits are everywhere. The electronic industry is particularly vulnerable. Electronic technology is rapidly changing, and sometimes it is hard for electronic manufacturers to keep up. The need to regularly source parts or complete a rapid redesign due to parts obsolescence only increases the risk of fakes making their way into your product. It may seem […]

Management of Parts Obsolescence in the Medical Device Industry

May 11, 2020

Parts obsolescence is already a big problem in the electronic industry. The fast pace of medical device development only compounds the trouble of hard to source components. Technology–especially medical technology–moves forward rapidly. And, in some cases, parts become obsolete before the final product is even finished. Essential parts become impossible to source. However, this does […]

Your Guide to Flex PCB Types in Electronic Manufacturing

May 8, 2020

The electronics industry is constantly evolving. There is a constant demand for products to do more in a much smaller package. Luckily, technology in the form of a flexible printed circuit board allows this to happen. Flexible PCBs are designed for saving room and allowing for a smaller and higher density mounting design. Because they […]

Parts Obsolescence Continues to Cause Headaches in Electronic Manufacturing

May 6, 2020

The electronic manufacturing industry has been battling the problem of parts obsolescence for decades. In an environment where the lifecycle of a component is shorter than the lifecycle of a product, part shortages lead to other headaches. Counterfeit electronic components entering the supply chain is one of the biggest issues resulting from hard-to-source parts. Manufacturers […]

Benefits of a Flexible Printed Circuit Board Design in Electronic Manufacturing

May 4, 2020

Rigid printed circuit boards are just fine for a number of applications, but depending on how you choose to utilize the PCBs, your electronic manufacturer may need to take it to the next level. That’s when flexible PCBs enter the picture – they give you the ability to really custom-tailor your next PCB project, moving […]

The Impact of Counterfeit Parts in the Aerospace and Defense Industry For Electronic Manufacturers

April 30, 2020

Government supply chains for electronic manufactuers are constantly under siege by counterfeit parts. Over the last decade, even though vigilant efforts, there has been a marked increase in the number of counterfeit parts found in everything from aerospace to defense electronics. It’s not that nothing was being done about the problem. Instead, counterfeit parts became […]

Prevent Counterfeit Parts in Your Aerospace Electronic Manufacturing Supply Chain

April 7, 2020

When you think about counterfeits, naturally your mind turns to fake $100 bills or pirated DVDs. Counterfeit goods can be produced to replicate anything of value, however, and show up wherever there is money to be made in their trafficking. Counterfeit goods are always an imitation of the original, in all things but quality. When […]

What are the Differences Between ISO9001 and AS9100 Certification for Electronic Manufacturers by NSF-ISR?

March 27, 2020

Spend enough time around ECMs and you are sure to see terms like ISO 9001 or AS9100 certifications pop up. Electronic manufacturers that have earned those certifications follow rigorous standards for quality, but you may have wondered what those certifications stand for, and why it matters.

Benefits of Custom Cable Assembly

March 11, 2020

When a generic cable assembly isn’t fitting your needs perfectly, it may be time for you to consider stepping up to a custom cable assembly that is designed, engineered, and manufactured for your specific needs. There are a number of advantages to going the custom-design route, and all of them bring benefits to your project.