What is the difference between SMT and SMD For An Electronic Manufacturer?

August 14, 2018

SMT and SMD. These two little acronyms get mixed up a lot in the electronics manufacturing service world. For electronic manufacturers on paper, they only vary by a single letter, but in practice, there’s a lot more separating SMTs and SMDs. Chiefly, one is a process and the other is a device.

Continuous Improvement in your Electronic Manufacturing Service

July 18, 2018

Continuous improvement is a philosophy. It plays out in an organization’s culture as it drives progress and growth. It comes from culture because, ultimately, continuous improvement is about people. This is very important to consider when choosing an electronic manufacturer to partner with.

Why Your Electronic Manufacturer Needs to be ISO Certified

July 11, 2018

The electronics industry is extremely diversified. It includes manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, retailers, and many more. This sector has been growing at a rapid pace with the invention of innovative technologies. However, in an industry like electronics manufacturing that moves at a rapid pace, it is imperative that mistakes are kept to a minimum. Additionally, if and […]

Four Characteristics of A Quality Electronics Manufacturer

June 29, 2018

The term Electronic Manufacturing Service took off in the early 1970s. Up until that point, most large-scale production was handled by in-house assembly. As manufacturing evolved, smaller electronic manufacturers sprang up to deliver low-cost assemblies by taking advantage of economies of scale. Manufacturing, material procurement and the pooling of design and customer support services made […]

How Levison Enterprises Builds A Quote

May 22, 2018

Have you ever received a quote from a vendor and wondered what they were thinking when they wrote it? Sometimes they come back over-simplified and you know there are things missing that will come up and haunt you later. 

Additional Services Your Electronic Contract Manufacturer Should Offer

May 16, 2018

Basic manufacturing is not enough in the highly-competitive electronics manufacturing world.

Get Efficiency with Dedicated Project Managing From an Electronic Manufacturer

May 14, 2018

The saying goes that if you want a job done right, do it yourself. But when it comes to getting your high tech and multifaceted manufacturing projects completed, it’s just not possible to do it yourself. You could research all the possible manufacturing and design options for every component in your design, but if efficiency […]

What is IPC-A-610 J-STD-001 For An Electronic Manufacturer

April 27, 2018

J Standard, or it’s more official title IPC J-STD-001 is a standard that lists the requirements for the manufacture of electronic assemblies. This standard is published by the IPC as “Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies” and includes guidance on materials, manufacturing methods, and verification criteria for an electronic manufacturer.

IPCA610 Standard Certification in Electronic Manufacturing

April 26, 2018

At a very basic level, IPC-A-610 amounts to high-level inspection and passage requirements for printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies in electronic manufacturing.

The Highest Level of Trust for Your Electronic Assembly

April 24, 2018

Imagine you are traveling across the Atlantic by plane. You are standing on a tarmac, bags by your side, when two different aircraft roll up. You are offered a choice of either plane to take you to your transatlantic destination. The first aircraft is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, the other has no certification.