Benefits of Reverse Engineering in Electronic Manufacturing

February 15, 2019

We are currently in a great time for the electronic manufacturing industry. The business is evolving at an unprecedented rate. However, this growth is putting pressure on companies to look more closely at efficiency, design, and manufacturing. As a result, reverse engineering has become a popular practice. It is a tool that is becoming easier […]

Reverse Engineering in Electronic Assembly For A Better Product

February 12, 2019

As tech companies grow, so has the popularity of reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is the process of disassembling a product or component in order to study it to find out how and why it works. From exploring incomplete design data and understanding design flaws to sustaining competition, the advantages of reverse engineering are widespread.

Product Problems? Why Reverse Engineering is the Solution

February 8, 2019

You’ve got a product that just isn’t functioning quite right. Maybe it’s in production, but you’re not convinced it’s going to perform how you originally intended. Or, maybe it’s still in prototype and technically it’s meeting your needs, but already you can imagine some of the future issues that are going to crop up.

3 Reasons To Reverse Engineering For Parts Obsolescence

February 5, 2019

You know you have a great product, but as times change, perhaps the product must also change a little. A big issue we face as an electronic manufacturer is parts obsolescence. This means there is a continuous need to update successful product designs. Tweaking and troubleshooting a successful product does not equate to reinventing the […]

How To Rebuild Your Legacy Product

January 25, 2019

Most companies adhere to the old adage “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Unfortunately, that philosophy can be hard to stick to in the ever evolving world of electronics. Even with rapid pace electronic breakthroughs, older technologies are still extremely valuable in countless industry applications. These legacy systems, products, and components sometimes just need […]

Why Prototype: Advantages to Prototyping Before Production in Electronic Manufacturing

January 23, 2019

In the world of electronic manufacturing, pre-production work, such as PCB prototyping, is vital to building a cost-efficient, quality product. In a marketplace that demands the latest technology yesterday, we often feel pressure to get right to production. Printed circuit boards are intricate and perform vital work in your product. Prototyping your PCB is always […]

New Years Resolutions For Your Electronic Assembly

January 16, 2019

  Ah. It’s the New Year, a time for resolutions and fresh starts. Get healthy, take that vacation, spend more time with the kids, but don’t forget professional resolutions in addition to your personal ones in the New Year. It is time to tackle the big things, like the product you’ve had on the back […]

New Year, New PCB Assembly ECM

January 11, 2019

It’s a new year! Time to start thinking about your relationship with your current PCB assembly ECM. Are they really working for you and your best interests? At the start of a fresh new year, we are inclined to think about where we’ve been and where we’re trying to go. What goals did we achieve […]

How to Start Your Reverse Engineering Project

January 8, 2019

There is no need to scrap a product that doesn’t work properly or is obsolete. Give it new life with reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is a way to duplicate a product, subassembly, or component and find out what once made it tick. This is especially handy when you don’t have documentation or original drawings for […]

The 12 Benefits of Working with an ECM in 2019

December 19, 2018

You’ve worked hard all year, but there is no rest for the weary. No doubt you are already looking toward projects that need tackling in the new year. Give yourself a gift and find an electronic assembly and manufacturing partner to take some of the workload off your shoulders while still making your electronic project […]