The Importance of Your Electronic Manufacturer’s Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle
February 21, 2018
Companies may use the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA,) or Deming Cycle as part of their project management approach. But do you know what it is? Plan-Do-Check-Act is actually a part of the AS9100 Quality assessment. It is a four–step model for carrying out change. The PDCA cycle is intended to be repeated again and again for continuous […]
Internal Quality Audits are a Must for an Electronic Manufacturer
February 19, 2018
Clients depend on their electronic manufacturter to provide efficient, compliant, and secure services to produce their products. That’s why your Electronic Contract Manufacturer, or ECM, should consider internal audits a must. It’s how you can ensure your ECM is doing what they say they are doing and identify gaps in policies and procedures.