Ultimate Capabilities Checklist for Outsourcing to a Trusted Electronic Contract Manufacturing Shop

October 26, 2022

When you are developing a product with a PCB component, outsourcing to a trusted ECM shop is one of the best decisions your company can make. Maintaining a full engineering team for design as well as a turnkey manufacturing line simply isn’t practical for most companies, so an ECM partner is the perfect solution to […]

Common PCB Defects and Their Impact on Product Quality for Electronic Manufacturers

October 24, 2022

Things can always go wrong in manufacturing. When this happens, it’s important your electronic manufacturer knows where the error or defect took place and how to fix the problem. Pinpointing the specific reason for failure can be difficult, so it is important to understand the most common PCB defects and their impact on product quality.

Adding Value Through PCB Assembly Testing

October 12, 2022

Budgets are tight for every industry as material and component costs continue to rise. Tight budgets mean companies are looking for ways to save. In some cases, OEMs are opting out of testing during the manufacturing process, arguing that the peace of mind that comes from testing doesn’t justify the savings of eliminating that step. […]

Are You Leveraging Your ECM’s Capabilities?

October 7, 2022

In today’s competitive landscape, ECMs (Electronic Contract Manufacturers) need to do more than just fill orders that meet product specifications. Top ECMs work with their OEM partners to ensure everyone is on the same page with the goal of producing the best outcomes, from the engineers and designers to materials and components.

Is Your ECM Working With You or For You?

September 30, 2022

You want an electronic contract manufacturer (ECM) dedicated to your success who can provide innovative contributions to your project right from the start. After years of industry experience, they have knowledge you don’t. Are they dedicated to being an extension of your team or are you just another project moving through the line? When considering […]

How to Identify an Electronic Manufacturer as a Box Build Assembly Partner

September 16, 2022

There are many electronic manufacturers available for your box build needs, but not all manufacturing partners are created equal. To identify a great box-build assembly partner, you will need to do some research into finding out who the partners are and how they will handle your box-build from start to finish.

Mitigating Common PCB Assembly Challenges

July 27, 2022

The desired outcome in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing is to deliver a fully assembled and functional circuit board in the least amount of time. It may sound simple enough, but unfortunately there are many opportunities for mistakes and problems to occur during the PCB assembly process. You can reduce your risk of a mishap […]

How a DFM Analysis Can Save You Money on Your Next PCB With an Electronic Manufacturer

July 22, 2022

DFM analysis may be something that your product team thinks about cutting when presenting the PCB to your electronic manufacturer. Technically, when it comes to initial costs, PCB designs submitted without a DFM analysis are less expensive. But it is more cost-effective in the long run to ensure whether or not your design is optimized […]

Questions to Ask Your ECM Before Manufacturing Begins

July 20, 2022

Before manufacturing begins, there are things to discuss with your ECM partner to ensure that everyone is on the same page. When you outsource, you are choosing to begin a partnership with your manufacturer. It’s important to determine that your goals and standards are aligned and that you are moving in the right direction for […]

Capabilities Necessary for Successful Government PCBA

June 13, 2022

When you have a government contract and need a PCBA that is government ready, you need to make sure you have the right ECM partner with the capabilities necessary to handle the high regulations of government manufacturing. Finding a domestic, turnkey facility with the right capabilities can make your government project a success.