The Importance of Quality Control for Your Government Cable Assembly
Cable and wire assemblies are the backbone of any electronic application. If you are outsourcing cable and wire harness assemblies for government applications, there can be no substitute for quality and reliability. Simply put, your electronic components have to be rock-solid and ready to go when needed. For that reason alone, it’s important to find a manufacturer that understands supply-chain management, and why it’s important. Your cable assembly and electrical component demand nothing less.
It’s easy to save some money on what appears to be similar cable assemblies you may find at a cheaper price. But like with anything related to electronic components, it’s not the flashy exterior or the lower sticker price. The quality is inside the harness assembly, with performance that exceeds expectations.
Levison From Start to Finish
Finding a reliable manufacturer that delivers on their promises can be a daunting task. What they do in-house may be of great quality, but if they are starting with low-quality raw materials, or counterfeit electronic components, the end result isn’t going to meet your exacting demands.

That’s what separates Levison from other manufacturers. The design, manufacture, and delivery of your cable assemblies is all done under one roof by our experienced team of engineers and designers. Whether the assembly to be manufactured is from your design or ours, there’s only one team ultimately responsible for its success.

With Levison, you won’t be buying cable assemblies off the rack, either. We design and create cable assemblies from the ground up. We won’t try to shoehorn your application into something that’s already been created. Each project gets the same attention to detail from our team, and the same excellent customer service throughout the process. We’ll prototype your design and include you in the testing. There won’t be any surprises when you take the final delivery. Instead, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting before you even open the box.
Keep It Simple
Other manufacturers may give you the run-around, but you won’t get that from Levison. We’re big enough to leverage our experience and take your project from design to manufacture, and you’ll feel like a member of our team throughout the process. There’s no getting lost in the shuffle. You’ll feel like your project is as important to us as it is to you, because it is.
At every step of the process, your cable assembly will be tested, not only for overall performance, but for how it is going to fit in to your application. Whether it’s round or flat cable, analog cable or wire harnesses, Levison will strive to meet your exact standards to deliver cable assemblies that do what you need them to do.
Supported by a dedication not only to finished assemblies of the highest quality, but also a dedication to customer service, your experience with Levison will be unlike any other. Contact our experienced team of experts today to learn more about what sets Levison cable assemblies apart from any other you’ll find.