Counterfeit Awareness in Military Cable Assembly and Electronic Manufacturing
Counterfeit parts continue to threaten the security of the military. As counterfeit electronic component detection and avoidance measures are increasingly tightened by electronic manufacturers, counterfeiters are developing new ways to work fake parts into the supply chain.
These counterfeit parts compromise critical military operations and place the lives of service members at risk. They can also lead to the loss of contracts and damage the good name of electronic manufacturers. This means avoiding counterfeit electronic components should be the number one concern of any company involved in military cable assembly and manufacturing. It is imperative that the risk of fake parts being used is mitigated to the best of your ability.
Defining Counterfeit Parts
It is often extremely difficult to determine if parts are counterfeit. They will appear to be genuine. The fact that they are fake is usually not discovered until it is too late. Most will look authentic, be functional, and even pass some levels of testing.
So, what exactly is a counterfeit part? These are parts manufactured by sources other than the original component or material manufacturer. They are not manufactured to the same quality standards and are not tested as strictly as the real deal. This can include:
· Untested parts.
· Parts that do not have the proper internal structure.
· Refurbished parts sold as new.
· Parts with a different surface plating or finish than were ordered.
· Parts sold with labeling that misrepresents form, function, and/or grade.
Avoiding Counterfeit Electronic Components
The best way to battle counterfeit parts making their way into military products is for electronic manufacturers to have a strong counterfeit electronic component detection and avoidance strategy in place. A successful strategy will include a multi-prong approach.
- Vetted Suppliers
Securing your supply chain starts with a trusted network of thoroughly vetted suppliers. Using authorized suppliers and/or original components manufacturers is a smart way to mitigate the counterfeit threat.
- Chain of Custody
An unbroken chain of custody directly from the parts supplier to the manufacturer for all electronic components will reduce the risk of counterfeit parts. The more hands the parts pass through, the bigger the possibility that some parts can be swapped out for fakes.
- Warning Signs
There are some clear warning signs that can tip a manufacturer off to counterfeit parts. This includes an obsolete or hard to produce part suddenly becoming available, a significantly low price, poor or damaged packaging, and a missing certificate of conformance. These are all signs a part deserves a second look before manufacturing begins.

Zero Counterfeit Objective
Counterfeits threaten every area of military electronics. Counterfeit electronic component detection and avoidance must be taken seriously. You want an electronic contract manufacturer that takes this issue as seriously as you do. Levison Enterprises is that company. We have a Zero Counterfeit objective and commitment for continual improvement and customer satisfaction through precise inspections which carefully screen for the threats of counterfeiting and ensure the delivery of quality products. Our policies and procedures on how to avoid and handle counterfeit components include:
· Avoid purchasing suspect / counterfeit parts.
· Handle and track incoming and outgoing parts.
· Manage and dispose of suspect / counterfeit parts.
· Implementing counterfeit avoidance and management.
· Training for all employees that handle parts.
It is the policy of Levison Enterprises to prevent the procurement, acceptance, and shipment of suspect / counterfeit products. Work with a company you can count on for your military cable assembly and manufacturing. Contact Levison Enterprises to discuss your next project today.