Packaging and Shipping Goes Beyond Product Protection for Electronic Manufacturers
Not every ECM partner will offer packaging and shipping services. When you find an ECM partner who does offer these services, it’s important to understand the additional value you are getting. Electronic manufacturers that offer packaging and shipping understand that they are ultimately maximizing design and functionality.
Why Does Packaging and Shipping Matter?
In a “cut corners” mindset, as long as the PCB doesn’t get crushed, shipping was a success. But PCB packaging for companies that value quality requires so much more. PCB packaging matters as much as the PCB assembly itself. The PCB you designed is ready for the expected operating environment, and you need to protect your investment from the hazards of packing and shipping. Extreme heat and cold matter, how the packages are handled matters, and packaging material itself can damage the board if it’s not the right size or material. A high quality ECM will have the right kind of packaging for each PCB assembly, from basic bubble wrap to pink poly, ESD bags, vacuum sealed bags, and moisture barrier bags.
Offering Packaging and Shipping Lends Itself to Compliance Initiatives
Packaging and shipping can fall under ISTA (International Safe Transit Association) compliance, and this means you may need to have certain conditions you need to adhere to, such as temperature, vibration, and drop testing. Meeting these requirements will be specific to each product, and an experienced ECM will have the right knowledge to handle all of your compliance issues.
An ECM Who Offers Packaging and Shipping is Cost Efficient
When PCB packaging and shipping are included as part of the services provided by a turnkey ECM, there is an immediate savings. ECMs have the right materials, packing supplies, and delivery contacts to reduce costs for you. The packaging and shipping can be streamlined to the product in question, which will safely fit items into the most efficient packaging, requiring fewer containers, less space, and lower fuel costs. A full-service, turnkey ECM is a cost-efficient choice.

A Full-Service ECM is Time Efficient
Timing matters when you outsource your PCBA, and having your ECM handle the packaging immediately after the final manufacturing is complete just makes sense. Doing so will get your product into the users’ hands quickly. A turnkey ECM knows how to package and ship PCBs efficiently, and this will make it easier to get your products delivered.
A Full-Service ECM Provides an Enhanced Experience
The neatness, quality, and efficiency of the packaging speaks directly to the product quality and consistency. A full-service ECM will often package prototypes so the OEM will get a full experience of the functionality, usability, and real life “out-of-the-box” experience that their customers will encounter. Having this experience will allow them to better understand the full scope of delivery and the product life cycle, and this will create a better connection with the consumers of the PCB itself.
Finding a full-service, turnkey ECM who can take your product all the way through packaging and delivery is an added value that will create efficiency in your process and save you money in the long run. Packaging and shipping is part of the overall process when manufacturing PCBs, and a turnkey ECM will understand the importance of seeing the product through with the highest quality from start to finish. Contact Levison Enterprises to learn more about our capabilities, or to get a quote on your next project.
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