Custom Electronic Enclosures Bring Longevity to an Otherwise Fragile Build
You may have created the perfect device to meet the needs of your customer, but now you need to protect that device. The build itself may be fragile, or the device may need to be used in settings that are not friendly for technology. A plastic enclosure is often the right solution, and including a custom electronic enclosure in your full project scope will add value to your build.
Advantages of Custom Enclosures for Electronic Builds
Plastic enclosures can expand the lifespan of electronic devices. A plastic enclosure will keep the device safe from weather, dust, and other particles. Plastic enclosures add a layer of protection from collisions, dumps, and drops. While generic plastic enclosures provide some protection, custom enclosures are a much better solution. A knowledgeable engineer can design the perfect enclosure for your specific device as part of the full scope of the project. A custom enclosure will have the proper placement of all features designed with your product in mind.
Additional Options for Custom Plastic Enclosures
A custom enclosure should meet the needs for your product and the situations that will be relevant.
Weatherable Plastic Enclosures
The custom enclosure you need may need to be water resistant, dustproof, or need to hold up to extreme temperatures or UV light. Weatherable material or neoprene gaskets can provide an airtight seal and protect your device from the elements.
Vented Plastic Enclosures
There is a high risk of overheating when a functional electronic device is enclosed within plastic. Overheating can cause significant damage to the product. With a custom-made plastic enclosure, the enclosure can be vented to ensure longevity. Vented slots can be added nearly anywhere for airflow and heat management. A custom design ensures that the vents will be placed exactly where they need to be for maximum functionality and protection.

The Right ECM Can Make a Custom Enclosure Part of the Project
When you partner with a turnkey ECM like Levison Enterprises, a custom plastic enclosure can be part of your project from the beginning. The right ECM will have industry experience, design engineers in-house, the capability of creating enclosures for any environment to meet unique or everyday needs, quality assurance through continued testing and analysis, and most importantly, the ability to meet all the needs of your project under one roof. An ECM who can handle everything will save you both time and money while making sure that your products are designed, built, and protected throughout the process.
Using a turnkey ECM will ensure that your product will be designed, prototyped, manufactured, delivered, and protected, all in one facility. With the right team, a custom enclosure can bring longevity to even the most fragile builds, and will ensure that your users are satisfied. We have a wide array of industry experience, quality assurance, and certifications backing up decades of stellar customer service. We are a turnkey ECM, and as your partner, our team of experts become an extension of yours. Contact Levison Enterprises today for a quote on your next build.
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