Benefits of a Domestic Medical Device Contract Manufacturing Partner
For years, medical device companies relied heavily on overseas manufacturers for production. There is a long-standing thought that you could save a lot of money by relying on foreign manufacturers for medical device contract manufacturing.
However, that is not necessarily the case.
With the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tightening regulatory standards and the US government’s trade war with China, the med-tech industry is increasingly turning its eye to domestic electronic manufacturing services. Many companies are now finding that they are getting more than just manufacturing when hiring a domestic contractor. They are getting a true partner and all of the added benefits that come with that relationship.
Trust with Your Intellectual Property
Trust should always be something you look for in an electronic manufacturing services contractor. Your designs are proprietary, and you need to rely on your ECM to make sure the specifics of your product are not disclosed to the wrong hands. Working with a domestic manufacturer means you’ll reduce the risk of another company duplicating your product.
In addition, keeping your manufacturing on American soil means you are better protecting your intellectual property. When you meet with your domestic manufacturing team, your designs, techniques, and other trade secrets fall under US intellectual property laws.
Save Money by Avoiding Hidden Costs
While medical device development companies often turn to China and other foreign manufacturers to save money, there are often hidden costs associated with the decision to have products made overseas. This is avoided with domestic manufacturing partners. For example, American quality standards tend to be much higher. These standards translate to a final product with superior quality. This means you avoid the cost of remaking faulty or sub-standard devices. Domestic manufacturers will not only meet U.S. regulatory standards, but will also take every single detail of your product into account.
Domestic medical device contract manufacturing will also get your product to market faster and you’ll often avoid costly shipping delays. You may need to order an excessive quantity of product just to get it shipped from overseas. This can be quite costly. A domestic electronic manufacturing service will allow you to order only the number you need, and then have it shipped to you quickly without expedited costs and tariffs.
Domestic contract manufacturers tend to be much more flexible when it comes to scalability in production runs. You do not want lots of extra product. It is a waste of time, money, and resources. Domestic electronic manufacturers are often much more willing to accept small production runs.

No Language Barriers
Sometimes working with an overseas electronic manufacturer means your wants and needs can become – quite literally- lost in translation. Communication breakdowns can be detrimental to your project. Miscommunication can mean manufacturing mistakes, missed deadlines, and not getting exactly what you want. You completely avoid language barriers when working with a domestic medical device contract manufacturer. Your directions will be fully understood up front.
Vetted Supplier Network
Do you know where your components are coming from? That is an important question to ask when manufacturing medical devices. Foreign contract manufacturers do not always have the same supply chain standards that domestic companies value. A domestic electronic manufacturing services partner will go through a rigorous vetting of each supply chain vendor in terms of its capabilities and quality management system. Many overseas companies fail to perform adequate due diligence on their suppliers and you might end up getting scammed. This opens you up to the risk of counterfeit and/or poor-quality parts being used in your build.
Levison Enterprises is confident we can supply trustworthy electronic manufacturing services at an affordable price that works for you. We are an industry leader in excellence, attention to detail, and cost efficiency. Let Levison be your medical device contract manufacturing partner. Contact us today to see how we can assist with your next project.